Portrait of Christopher

Christopher Bennell

I’m a full-stack web developer specializing in Ruby on Rails and Education Technology. Get in touch.

Tag: dev

  • Bridgetown, TailwindCSS and Kamal: A Tricky Deploy Bug

    As part of my migration to Bridgetown, I needed a process to deploy my content. Kamal, the hot new Ruby deploy tool, was the obvious choice. But I ran into a tricky bug related to the TailwindCSS integration. I’m documenting that bug here for anyone who runs into the same problem.

  • Migrating from Wordpress to Bridgetown

    This is my first post after moving my site to a new architecture. After using WordPress for 18 years across various projects—including this site’s previous version—I’m migrating to statically generated content with Bridgetown.

  • Default, Dynamic Slot Content in Rails ViewComponents

    Have you ever wanted to have a default value for a ViewComponent slot, or to make the default value dynamic?

  • Building an LTI DeepLinking Response in Rails

    LTI DeepLinking is an LTI standard which enabled passing content from your LTI Tool back to the LMS. This allows, for example, an RCE editor button placement that will launch your tool and return rich content to be embedded in the editor.

  • Using Ruby Structs to Model API Responses

    Here’s a technique I use when I want to wrap an API response in a simple class, rather than use a raw hash result. It allows easier access to the object properties, and allows you to attach some instance methods, with a minimal amount of boilerplate.